Traditional Chinese Medicine
An ancient system of diagnosis and treatment used to address a variety of complaints, most commonly pain, stress, anxiety, and neurological conditions. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) was honed over centuries of use, identifying patterns of symptoms and how best to treat them using acupuncture, Chinese herbs, cupping, and moxibustion. A holistic system, it can be used on its own or in conjunction with other therapies.
Acupuncture is the placement small sterile needles in the skin at specific points. The needles encourage the flow of qi (energy) in meridians (channels) throughout the body, restoring balance and relieving symptoms. Acupuncture is safe to use in most circumstances (including during pregnancy and cancer treatment), and it generally does not interfere with other types of treatment.
Chinese herbs
Chinese herbs are used to boost healthy substances in the body (primarily qi, blood, yin, and yang), eliminate pathogenic substances from the body (heat, cold, dampness, phlegm, dryness), and harmonize the various organs. Herbs consist primarily of plant parts (seeds, fruit, leaves, roots) but can include unusual substances like shells and antlers (inform your practitioner if you prefer to avoid animal products). Formulas can be individualized when prepared as teas or granules, although there are also pills available of the most commonly used formulations. Chinese herbs can also be applied topically to treat skin conditions.
Cupping is a technique that involves suctioning glass cups to the skin and either leaving them in one place (stationary cupping) or sliding them along the body using massage oil (running cupping). It is an excellent treatment for releasing muscle tension and fascial restrictions, although it can sometimes result in bruising.
Moxibustion is the burning of compressed mugwort close to or on the skin, warming and encouraging flow along the meridians. Moxa is particularly helpful for people with deficient qi or yang (usually people with low energy, poor stress resilience, chronic disease, or advanced age) and in cases of breech baby. It has a distinctive aroma that can be unpleasant to some, but most people in need of moxibustion like the smell.